How To Help Your Little Cope After A Traumatic Event
Hey guys! It has been a minute since I posted a blog post and I told myself the second half of the year I would focus on sharing more blog posts. As we all know a major event took place in Uvalde, Texas earlier this week and my heart truly goes out to all the parents and teachers of the loved ones. As a mother myself hearing this truly broke my heart because our babies are supposed to be safe at school. I wanted to take the time to share some tips for parents on how to help their little ones cope when things like this take place. I know the students of the school are probably going through a lot after this and although the school year has come to an end for most people I wanted to share some ways to talk to your littles when things like this happen. I have listed some ways below how to help your little one cope with any traumatic experience
1.Always remain CALM.
2.Give them the floor and space to express how they feel.
3.Acknowledge what your child is feeling and lsiten. Simply confirm what you are hearing: “Yes, I can see that you are worried.”
4.Share infromation about what happened. (This is easier said than done but, I do feel (for the older littles) this is a dicussion that should be had with your littles.
5.Speak to them at their level if understanding
6.Limit exposure to news and tv.
When anything traumatic happens always be there for your littles. Our littles experience the same amount of anxiety and fear we do. Allow them to know that they can always come to you and express how they feel. AND more importantly, if they ask for a day off from school, allow it. Show them that self-care and their mental health matter as well.